• Banner6
    Women self reliance program by FPC
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    Vermicompost Production By Us
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    Hydroponic farming
  • Banner2
    Training of Vermicomposting
  • Banner 3
    Our Vaccination programs
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    Our All Women Team Of Mushroom Cultivators
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    Potato sale program with West Bengal government
  • Bannar 9
    Inspection of Our Mustard oil and Pulse mill by the Hon' District Magistrate

Welcome To Kojagori Farmers Producer Company Limited :

We started out by organizing as a small group of farmer camps to promote modern  and improved agricultural practices and soon our efforts began to grow in membership. Our discussions included organic farming practices, pest and pest control, briefings on plant diseases and many other relevant topics included which plagued the farmers. In the process we came up with the idea to market our products collectively and soon our dreams took root. In 2015 Kojagori Farmers Producer Company Limited was born. The company is the hard – earned harvest of our dedicated  farmers who tilled  our soil to germinate our dreams.
Who Are We ?
We produce seasonal vegetable agricultural products. We produce organic vegetables or organic products and we produce organic fertilizers and earthworms. We supply all kinds of materials for doing agriculture. We provide comprehensive support for training people interested in handicrafts. Training  is organized through officers in various subjects related to farmers and agricultural products.
Our Purpose
Overall economic improvement of all farmers, and increasing the production of organic vegetables by reducing the current chemical vegetable production, be it all the fresh vegetables we produce or the best quality vermicompost to the people.
Why choose us ?
We are a Farmers Producer Company organized with all the farmers, so we can provide the best quality of our products directly from the field or manufacturing , our image is the quality of the product.

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